
Role: Healer / Mage
Main stat: Intelligence
How to get? Heroic Chests

Maya is a child born against the laws of nature. Impossible love between a human and a titan fell as tears on the fertile ground, and gave birth to such a beautiful, and yet, powerful creature.


Queen of Flowers – summons a flower to grow around her, protecting her from damage and healing all other Heroes over time.

Poisoned Pollen – targets the farthest enemy with a poisoned pollen shot, dealing out damage over time.

Poisonous Bonds – summons living sprouts that entangle enemies on the extreme left and right, pulling them toward each other and poisoning them.

Queen’s Revenge – now, when the magical flower dies, its roots entangle the nearest enemies, preventing them from moving and causing damage over time for 8 seconds.

Additional information: Maya is a good healer or a possible replacement for Thea. She is especially strong with a few heavy tanks in front and a great damage dealer. Maya is one of the best healers in the game but rarely found in the top teams due to Martha and Celese just being a little bit stronger. If you don’t own any of the mentioned healers above – then Maya is worth investing.